A downloadable Archive

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This is a full archive of all my artwork with Over 1000 unique pieces of art I am permitted to share going back to 2016 under the names YaoiMeowmaster, YimYim and nyvivianv.

Please take care while browsing the archive, due to the nature of a generic folder system, I am unable to tag or filter potentially triggering content beforehand. Remember that I DO NOT ENDORSE any potentially illegal behavior depicted in my artwork WHATSOEVER.

Bear in mind you ARE allowed to repost art from this archive without requiring direct permission from me, including using art for roleplay, profile pictures, and simple sharing. HOWEVER, please do not meaningfully edit my work and share it without explicity mentioning within the image that it is an edit.

Meaningful edits include: coloring lineart, changing colors, drawing on top of, erasing, Adding Text, dialogue.  

Nonmeaningful edits include: Cropping (unless maliciously excluding my watermark), Overall image filters,

I do not personally endorse any edits made from my art.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

BeebzArtArchive.zip 138 MB